Erin K. McCormick

book author/travel writer; her blog “Travel Like a Local: Vermont” shares the best of Vermont

During a time when technology reigns supreme, diners are a chance to take a step back, slow down and truly be together. Diners embody what Vermont is at its core – a place where everyone is welcomed, where we get to know our neighbors and where we celebrate our togetherness rather than dwell on our differences. Despite all odds, diners remain vital gathering places and are continuing to grow in popularity, with a resurgence in vintage diners and drive-ins across America. Through social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram, young diner-goers are preserving the evolution of the diner in its current form. Copious Iphone photos of hearty breakfasts, vintage mugs, stunning stained-glass details, polished chrome, intricate and colorful tile work and oversized milkshakes capture the essence of today’s diner. Young generations are taking to social media to showcase the togetherness they experience in diners around Vermont, over coffee, corned beef and conversation.

from Classic Diners of Vermont by Erin K. McCormick (History Press)